Thursday, 3 June 2010

Now we've pretty much finished our first year of uni just got a few tutorials left to decide on what pathway we shall take next year, I'm still not sure on this and am waiting on the tutorial to help me decide. I'm having to go over my blog adding loads more in as it wasn't up to the standards required... :| also I've had to re-submit work from the last brief, Interdisciplinary as again I hadn't included enough. Which all comes down to my bad time management, and laziness.

I'm going to have to sort a few things out next year if I'm going to be able to cope with the added work load and pressure of second year. I know I can do it, just have to get on with briefs when we first get them and not be shy to ask for help. I'm going to be sharing a house with three of the girls from uni next year as well as my girlfriend so I should have enough pressure to get on with it all from them. I think it will also be useful living with them as I feel I work well bouncing idea's off other people. Not copying or anything but talking through things and I often get good inspiration from other peoples work.

Having almost completed my first year of uni I think this would be a good time to go through my strengths and weakness. I believe i understand garment's fairly well and have a good eye for things. Although I'm quite inexperienced on a sewing machine I have worked well when I've needed to and produced well executed garments. My research and file work often lets me down, as I start it quite late on and rush it or even do things in a backwards order. My sketching has improved over the year and so has my CAD work thanks to Bruce's' workshops. I don't really enjoy using photo shop that much as it frustrates me loads, but I feel I can use it adequately.

I haven't mentioned one of the briefs throughtout this blog Creative Design Practices. This was the project where we had to do a shop report and trend report before we knew what the actual brief was. And of course I didn't start it for a while after.
We then went to Temple Newsam where we carried out research which was intended to be a basis for the project. Where we were going to end up designing a collection of garments for S/S 10 for a shop of our choice which is why we had to do a shop and trend report. I chose to design for Topshop as I felt this was a wide market and one I could design for quite easily. Above is a photo of one of my research pages from Temple Newsam which I went on to use as a structure idea for an outfit.

Here is my first go at a trend board. Which turned out to be wrong, and more like a mood board.
I've taken a photo of one of my design sheets. I did a number of these which had possible outfit's for my collection on.
Three of my final six outfits that would be part of my Spring/Summer 10 collection for Topshop, below is my final trend board for Topshop. WHich shows the fabric's I'm going to use and the inspiration behind it all.