Sunday, 16 May 2010

3rd Year

So far I've been made to do mainly research bits for Sarah, my 3rd year photocopying pages shes found or finding my own stuff for her work. She also sent me to find orange shoes from high street shops that would work with her collection.
I'm finding it usefull seeing what sort of stuff the 3rd years are making, and how there coping with it at this late stage, it gives me the feeling I will need to step it up next year. Also getting advice into what pathway I may take next year.
On a seperate matter, we've nearly finished our final project for the 1st year, and its been a tough one, mainly down to having a cast on throughtout it. But i think i should manage to complete it by friday. It's our Interdisciplinary which involves a selection of fabric samples created using different methods, from that we have to carry our research and narrow down our choice of which fabric to use to create a garment, which has to be a maxi skirt.

Above are a couple of examples of my fabric samples and a few sketches I did for skirt designs.